Nexus 7 Guidebook MAke seARCH PeRsoN AL 32
Settings > Google now, and ad just the options under Standard
Turn off Google nowTurning off Google Now stops th e display of cards and return s
Google Now settings to the ir defaults.
1. open the Goo gle Now screen.
Touch the search bar at the top of a Hom e screen, or swi pe up
from the bottom of your table t while viewing a ny screen.
2. To uch Menu > Settin gs > Google now, then slide th e switch at
the top right to off.
3. i n the Turn off now card s dialog, deci de whether you a lso want
to turn off location histo ry. if you do, chec k Also turn off Loc a-
tion histo ry.
Turning off location histo ry may affect the way othe r Google
products work.
4. To uch Turn o ff.
Turning off Google Now and loc ation history d oesn’t delete e xist-
ing history or turn off location reporting. For more information,
see the next section, “ Control locati on reporting & h istory.”
Control location reporting, histor y, & servicesThis section describ es how to set your hom e and work addres ses
and manage other locatio n-related fe atures used by Goo gle Now.
Dene home & work
As you use Google Now, you may be asked to conrm you r home
or work addre ss to ge t commute trafc information, travel h elp,
and more. You can change thes e addresses in se veral other ways: