Nexus 7 Guidebook CoNNeCT To NeTWoRks 55
The information about t he network is save d. Your device will c on-
nect to this network autom atically the nex t time you come with in
Forget a Wi-Fi networkYou can make the tablet forget ab out the details of a Wi-F i net-
work that you added—for exam ple, if you don’t want t he tablet to
connect to it automatica lly or if it’s a networ k that you no longer
1. Turn on Wi-Fi , if it’s not alread y on.
2. i n the Wi-Fi set tings screen, to uch the name of the ne twork.
3. To uch Forget in the dialog t hat opens.
Congure proxy setting s for a Wi-Fi networksome network adminis trators require you to con nect to internal
or external network re sources via a proxy se rver. by default, the
Wi-Fi networks you add are no t congured to conn ect via a proxy,
but you can change that for ea ch Wi-Fi net work you’ve adde d.
Proxy settings are used by b rowser but may not be u sed by other
1. Touch & hold a net work in the list of Wi-Fi net works you’ve
2. To uch Modify network in the dialog th at opens.
3. s elect Show advanced options.
4. i f the network has no pr oxy settings, tou ch none under Proxy
settings, then touch Manual in th e menu that opens .
5. e nter the proxy settings supplie d by your network admini-
6. To uch Save.