Nexus 7 Guidebook CoNNeCT To NeTWoRks 58
Connect to a VPn
1. From the VPN sc reen, touch the n ame of the VPN.
2. i n the dialog that op ens, enter any req uested credent ials.
3. To uch Connect.
When you’re co nnected to a VPN, a Status icon an d noticati on
are displayed continuously. To disconnect, touch the noticatio n
for the VPN connection.
Edit a VPn
1. Fro m the VPN sc ree n, to uch & hold the na me of the VP N pro le .
2. i n the dialog that op ens, touch Edit pr ole.
3. e dit the VPN setti ngs you want.
4. To uch Save.
Delete a VPn
1. Fro m the VPN sc ree n, to uch & hold the na me of the VP N pro le .
2. Touc h & hold the VPN you want to d elete.
3. i n the dialog that op ens, touch Dele te prole.
Control airplane mode & other network settingsThese settings are availa ble under Settings > Wireless & n et-
works > More. Follow the links for detailed ins tructions:
• Airplane mode. Check to turn off all data tran smission from
the device.
• VPn. Touch to adjust settings that al low you to connect to
websites and other resour ces within a secured lo cal network
from outside that netwo rk. see “Conn ect to virtual p rivate net-
works” on page 57.