Nexus 7 Guidebook MAke seARCH PeRsoN AL 41
Low priorit y noti cations appear at the bo ttom of the notica -
tions shade without any ad ditional sign al. Standard not ications
appear like the others, in c hronological o rder, and you can set v i-
bration and a ringtone.
To set the ringtone and vibrate option s for standard notic ations,
go to touch Menu > Settings > Google now and lo ok at the end
of the list.
Voice settings
Voice settings control di fferent aspec ts of speech input a nd out-
put when you search by voice o r use voice action s:
Language. The language you select here for Voice search i n-
put and output can be dif ferent from the langua ge displayed
by your tablet.
Speech output. To turn on speech output only w hen you’ve got
a headset attached to your t ablet, selec t Hands-free only.
Block offensive words. Check to ensure that search re sults
with offensive languag e are blocked.
Hotword detection. When this is checked, you c an say “Goog le”
when viewing the Google N ow screen rathe r than touching th e
Microphone icon to initi ate a voice search or a ction.
Download offline speech recognition. Check to select one or
more additional langua ges for speech recogni tion when you
don’t have a network connection.
IMPorTAnT: To detect when you say “Google ” to launch
Voice search or Voice Action s, Google analyzes sound
picked up by your tablet’s m icrophone in inte rvals of a few
seconds or less. The sou nd is immediately d iscarded after
analysis and is not stored on t he device or sent to G oogle.