Nexus 7 Guidebook ACCessibiLiTY 82
Set up your tablet
Your Nexus 7 has the following har dware:
Power button/lock key. The Power button is located on the
right side of your tablet.
Volume. The Volume key is d irectly under t he Power button.
Front-facing camera. The camera is located at the top cente r
of your screen.
Micro USB port. The usb is a t the bottom of your ta blet.
Headset jack. The heads et jack is in the lowe r right side at the
bottom of your tablet.
When you tur n on yo ur tablet for th e rst time, you ’ll arriv e at a
Welcome screen.
To turn on TalkBac k and E xplore b y Touch, p lace two ngers
slightly apart on your s creen. You’ll hear spoken feedba ck
when your tablet recog nizes the gesture. keep holdi ng your
ngers for two mor e seconds to enable TalkBack and Explor e
by Touch. After turning on the se features, th e explore by Touc h
tutorial starts, givi ng you a chance to experie nce navigating
on Android. When you’ve c ompleted the t utorial, the ta blet dis-
plays the Welcome screen ag ain.
To choose a different langua ge, swipe rig ht and double -tap the
To nish setting up your tablet, swipe right and doubl e-tap
Start towards the center of the scre en.
A series of screens takes you t hrough the setup proc ess. When
prompted, you can sign in us ing the email address and pass-
word for your Google Accou nt. When you sign in with a Goo gle
Account, all the email, c ontacts, Calen dar events, and othe r data
associated with that acco unt are automatic ally synced with yo ur
tablet. if you have multiple G oogle Accoun ts, you’ll be able to a dd
the others later.