Nexus 7 Guidebook MAke YouRseLF AT HoMe 23
Find People
The People app gives you qui ck access to ever yone
you want to reach. To open it, touch th e People icon
on a Home or All Apps scree n.
When you rst turn on your tablet and sign in to a
Google Account, any exi sting contacts from that accoun t are
synced with your People a pp. After that, all your con tacts stay
in sync automatically, whe ther you make chang es on your tablet ,
from another device, or f rom any Web browser.
if you use exchange, you ca n also sync that conta ct information
with People.
All your People information is available from Gmail, Google Talk,
and other apps where it ’s useful. As you add c ontacts from di ffer-
ent sources, they’re sy nced automatically acr oss all the places
you need them.
The rst time you open People, you’re asked to sign in or create an
account. Then the app o pens to the main list of yo ur contacts on
the left. select a cont act to display it on the r ight. or:
View all contacts, favorite s, or groups. Choose from th e top
left of the screen.
read details. Touch a name to see details for a conta ct or
View recent activity. When viewing a contact, sw ipe to the
right to see recent update s.
Edit details. While viewing a contact , touch icons at the top o f
the screen or the Menu icon to search contac ts, add a con-
tact, edit or share conta ct details, del ete a contact, an d so on.
You can also touch the star besid e the contact’s nam e to add
that contact to your Favorites l ist.
Change your settings. W hile viewing the main list screen,