Nexus 7 Guidebook MAke seARCH PeRsoN AL 29
Location services allow your tablet to obt ain your current loca -
tion. Location servi ces provide the lo cations used by loc ation re-
porting and history.
IMPorTAnT: Turning off location reporting d oes not turn
off location servic es or delete any location histor y that
Google has already stored.
When you decide to use Googl e Now, you’ll start repo rting your
location and turn on your l ocation history. Google won ’t share
this information with oth er users or marketers without your
if you opted in to location histo ry in the past, Google N ow uses
your previously record ed locations as well as ongoing de tails
when making suggesti ons. Turning off location his tory pauses
the collection of locati on information, but doesn’ t delete your
history. To manage or delete your l ocation details, visit h ttp://
Along with location his tory, Google Now uses Goog le’s location
service and GPs. To manage the se settings fro m the Google Now
screen, touch Menu > Settings > Privacy an d accounts > Loca-
tion services.
For more details, see “Co ntrol location repor ting, history, & ser-
vices” on page 32.
About Web History & other dat a
Google Now uses data from mul tiple sources to h elp predict w hat
you need. For example, if yo u have a synced calen dar entry for a
dentist appointme nt, Google Now can c heck traf c and sug gest