Nexus 7 Guidebook CoNNeCT To deViCes 64
Connect to keyboards, mice, & other devices
You can connect a keyboard , mouse, or even a joystick o r other
input device to your table t via usb or bluetoot h and use it just as
you would with a PC.
You may need an adapter to connec t the keyboard or o ther device
to your tablet’s usb port . To connect more than one us b device
at a time, use a powered usb hub to re duce the drain on y our tab-
let’s battery.
IMPorTAnT: using external devices such as key boards via
USB will c ause a signican t additi onal dra in on your ba t-
tery, as will continuous us e of a mouse via blueto oth.
You pair and connect blueto oth input devic es to your tablet in t he
same way as any other bluetooth d evice.


in addition to entering tex t, you can use you r keyboard to navi gate
your tablet’s features:
use the arrow keys to select ite ms on screen.
Pressing Return when an i tem is selected is equivalent to
touching that item.
Pressing escape is equivalent to touching back.
Press Tab or Shif t-Tab to move fr om eld to eld in a form or
other screen with multip le text elds.