Nexus 7 Guidebook MAke YouRseLF AT HoMe 24
touch the Menu icon to import or ex port contacts, c hoose
display options for the Grou ps and All tabs, and add or ed it
No matter where you are with in People, you can al ways get back
to the main lists by touching the People icon at the top left
corner of the screen.
Manage your Calendar
The Calendar app lets yo u view and edit you r sched-
ule. To open it, touch the Calen dar icon on a Home
or All Apps screen.
When you rst set up your tablet , you con gured it
to use an existing Google Acc ount (such as Gmail), or you cr e-
ated a new one. The rst tim e you open the Cal endar app on you r
tablet, it displays any exi sting calendar even ts from that Google
Account on the web.
As you edit events from any mob ile device or we b browser, they’re
synced automatically a cross all the plac es you need them.
To change the Calendar view, ch oose Day, Week, Month, or Agen -
da from the top left of the scree n. swipe to scroll vertical ly or
horizontally. In the Day or Week views, spre ad your ng ers apart
or pinch them together to zo om in or out.
From any of these views, you can:
read or edit event details. Touch an event to view its details.
Manage events and calendars. Touch icons across the top of
the screen or Menu to search or create e vents, return to to -
day, or adjust settings.
To email everyone who’s invited to a n event, you have t wo options: