Nexus 7 Guidebook MAke YouRseLF AT HoMe 22
Start Gmail
The Gmail app lets you read an d write email from
any mobile device or browse r. To open it, touch the
Gmail icon on a Home or All Ap ps screen.
but Gmail isn’t just abou t email. You can use your
Gmail account to sign in to all G oogle apps and ser vices, includ -
ing Google Now, for gettin g just the right inform ation at just the
right time; Calendar; P eople, for keeping tra ck of your contacts;
Google documents, for working with documents, spreadsheets,
or drawings; and many more.
The rst t ime you open Gmail, yo u’re asked to si gn in or create
an account, if you didn’t already do so when you rst set up your
tablet. Then the inbox op ens. From here , touch a message to r ead
it. unread messages are bo ld.
While you’re reading a message:
Touch the icons and menu alon g the top of the screen to ar-
chive, throw away, label, or pe rform other actions on that
swipe left or right to rea d the previous or ne xt conversatio n.
To organize your email, check t he box beside a mess age to select
it. Then use the icons and m enu along the top of the scree n to
manage the selected mess ages.
To change your settings, add a n account, or get help, to uch the
Menu icon.
No matter where you are with in Gmail, you can always ge t back
to the inbox by touching the Gmail icon at the top left co rner
of the screen.