Nexus 7 Guidebook CoNNeCT To deViCes 60
Connect to devices

Beam screen content

You can beam a web page, a video, o r other content from your
screen to another device b y bringing the devices to gether (typi-
cally back to back).
Before you begin: Make sure both devices are unlock ed, support
Near Field Communica tion (NFC), and ha ve both NFC and And roid
beam turned on.
Follow these steps:
1. open a scre en that contains something yo u’d like to share,
such as a browser page, YouTube video, o r place page in Ma ps.
2. M ove the back of your tablet toward the bac k of the other
When the devices conne ct, you hear a sound, the imag e on
your screen reduces in si ze, and you see the messag e Touch
to beam.
3. Touc h your screen any where.