Nexus 7 Guidebook PLAY & exPLoRe 14
Touch & typeUse your ngers to manipula te ico ns, buttons, menus, the on-
screen keyboard, and ot her items on the touchscree n. You can
also change the screen’s orientation.
To select or activate somethin g, touch it.
To type something, such as a nam e, password, or searc h terms,
just touch where you want to ty pe. A keyboard pops up t hat lets
you type into the eld.
other common gestures include:
• Touch & hold. Touch & hold an item on the sc reen by touching
it and not lifting your ng er until an actio n occurs.
• Drag. Touch & hold an item for a momen t and then, with out lift-
ing your nger, move your nger on the sc reen until you r each
the target position. For e xample, you can move apps a round
on the Home screen.
• Swipe or slide. Quickly m ove your nger ac ross the surfac e of
the screen, without pausi ng when you rst touch (so you d on’t
drag something instead ). For example, you can sl ide a Home
screen left or right to vi ew the other Home sc reens.
• Double-tap. Tap quickly twic e on a webpage, map, or other
screen to zoom. For exampl e, double-ta p a picture in browser
to zoom in, and double- tap again to zoom out .
• Pinch. in some apps (such as Maps , browser, and Gall ery), you
can zoom in and out by plac ing two ngers o n the s creen at
once and pinching them to gether (to zoom out) or spr eading
them apart (to zoom in).
• rotate the screen. The ori entation of most s creens (excludin g
Home screens) rotates with yo ur device as you turn i t. To lock
or unlock the screen’s ver tical orientat ion, touch the Rotat ion
icon at the top of the noticat ion shade.