Nexus 7 Guidebook Get started 6
Other improvements
Chrome Chrome for android inc ludes
unlimited tabs, incognito tabs,
and syncs your tabs acros s your
devices when you sign in to yo ur
Google account.
Swipe left or right to
navigate through tabs.
Touch, hold, & drag
a tab to a different
Touch the tab swi tcher
icon to switch back
and forth between in -
cognito mode tabs and
regular tabs.
Gesture Mode supports naviga-
tion by using touch and swip e
gestures in combinati on with
speech output.
Platform supports e xternal bra ille
input and output devi ces via usb
and bluetooth.
to try shortcut ges-
tures in talkback,
swipe using a single
Up then right: open
Up then left: Home
Down then right:
recent apps button
Down then left: back
blink for
Face unlock
For improved securit y, you can
now set Face unlock to requ est a
blink when you unlock yo ur tablet.
Settings > Security >
Screen lock.
add an
easily add an email acco unt
to your device from the main
settings screen.
Settings > Accounts >
Add account.