Nexus 7 Guidebook seCuRe YouR TAbLeT 74
Slide provides no protection, b ut lets you get to the Home
screen quickly, or open C amera and start taking pictures
Face Unlock lets you unlock your tablet by lo oking at it. Th is is
the least secure lock option.
TIP: Face unlock lets you u nlock your tablet b y looking
at the screen. After you se t it up, look under Set tings >
Personal > Security for two additional settin gs: Improve
face matching and Livenes s check. use these to make
Face unlock more reliabl e and secure.
Pattern lets you d raw a simpl e pattern with your  nger to un -
lock the tablet. This is sl ightly more secu re than Face unloc k.
PIn requires four or more numb ers. Longer PiNs tend to be
more secure.
Password requires four or more let ters or numbers . This is the
most secure option, as lo ng as you create a stron g password.
Password tips: For best security, specif y a password that is
A least 8 characters long .
Contains a mixture of num bers, letter s, and special sy mbols.
doesn’t contain any rec ognizable word s or phrases.
To change when your tablet goe s to sleep, go to Set-
tings > Device > Display > Slee p.
To see your passwords when you inp ut them, go to
Settings > Personal > Sec urity > Make passwords