Nexus 7 Guidebook MAke seARCH PeRsoN AL 27
Make Search personal

About Google now

Google Now gives you just the r ight information at j ust the right
time. Just swipe up from the b ottom of your tablet to get co m-
mute traf c before work, pop ular nearby places , yo ur favorite
team’s current score, and m ore.
You can turn Google Now on or off a t any time. swipe u p the same
way and touch Menu > Settings > Google now. if the keyboa rd’s
covering the menu, touch the modied back button to lower it.
After you decide to star t using Google Now, you d on’t need to do
anything els e. If you like, y ou can ne- tune so me set tings, but
Google Now doesn’t need a ny elaborate setup. The i nformation
you need is always at your nge rtips.
To know when to display what inform ation, Googl e Now uses con-
textual data from your tabl et and from other Google prod ucts,
plus data from third-p arty products that yo u allow Google Now
to access.