Nexus 7 Guidebook MAke seARCH PeRsoN AL 38
As you speak, Voice searc h analyzes your speech a nd initiates
the action.
if Voice search doesn’t un derstand you, it lis ts a set of possible
meanings. Just touch the o ne you want.
some Voice Actions, such a s “send email” a nd “note to self,” op en
a panel that prompts you to com plete the action by spea king or
typing more information.
Touch any text already entere d in the panel to add or edit t he
text by typing.
To speak text instead of typi ng, rst touch t he Microphone
key near the bottom right of th e onscreen keybo ard.
Touch underlined words or ph rases or drag across multipl e
words to view a list of alternate tr anscriptions, or to edit b y
speaking or typing.
When conde nt that the t ranscription is acc urate, Voice
search displays transcr ibed words as regular tex t. Words or
phrases for which it has prov ided alternate tra nscriptions are
Touch a button at the bottom of the w indow to add any op-
tional elds (you can also speak the name and content of any
of these elds in your origi nal voice action).
When you’re done, touch th e button appropriate to c omplete
the action, such as Send.
Voice Actions commands
You can search and control you r tablet with the followin g Voice
Action commands. For de tails, see “use Voice Ac tions” on page