Nexus 7 Guidebook MAke seARCH PeRsoN AL 42

Tablet search

Tablet search settings let yo u select which apps on yo ur tablet
are included in Google searches.
Privacy and accounts
These settings contro l the account for use with Goo gle search
and search-relate d privacy optio ns for that acco unt. You can view
them in two ways:
From the Google Now screen: Menu > Settings > Privacy &
From your tablet’s main se ttings app: Settings > Accounts
> Google > Privacy > Search.
Touch each setting to learn mo re:
Google Account. The account used with Goog le search and
Google Now.
Manage location history. opens Google Maps settings, w here
you can turn location set tings related to Google Map s on or
Location services. opens your tablet’s set tings screen for
these services, inc luding Google ’s location serv ice and GPs.
Show recent searches. Check if you want search sugge stions
based on your recent searches.
Manage Web History. opens yo ur Web History settings in a
browser. You may have to sign in to reach the m.