Nexus 7 Guidebook MAke seARCH PeRsoN AL 42
Tablet search
Tablet search settings let yo u select which apps on yo ur tablet
are included in Google searches.
Privacy and accountsThese settings contro l the account for use with Goo gle search
and search-relate d privacy optio ns for that acco unt. You can view
them in two ways:
• From the Google Now screen: Menu > Settings > Privacy &
• From your tablet’s main se ttings app: Settings > Accounts
> Google > Privacy > Search.
Touch each setting to learn mo re:
• Google Account. The account used with Goog le search and
Google Now.
• Manage location history. opens Google Maps settings, w here
you can turn location set tings related to Google Map s on or
• Location services. opens your tablet’s set tings screen for
these services, inc luding Google ’s location serv ice and GPs.
• Show recent searches. Check if you want search sugge stions
based on your recent searches.
• Manage Web History. opens yo ur Web History settings in a
browser. You may have to sign in to reach the m.