Nexus 7 Guidebook TuNe PeRFoRMANCe 44
need to sync manually to coll ect messages, emai l, and other
recent informa tion, an d won’t receive notication s when up-
dates occur.
• if you know you won’t be near a Wi -Fi network for a while,
switch to Airplane mode: p ress and hold the Power b utton, or
go to Settings > Wireless & ne tworks > More > Airpl ane mode.
Check battery level and usa ge details
open Settings > Device > Ba ttery.
The list at the bottom of the sc reen shows the brea kdown of bat-
tery usage for individ ual apps and services. Touch a g raph for
more details. The detai ls screen for some ap ps includes but tons
that allow you to adjust setti ngs affecting power us age, or stop
the app completely.
WArnInG: if you s top some apps or servi ces, your device
may not work correctly.
battery status (chargi ng, dischargin g) and level (as a perce ntage
of fully charged) are dis played at the top of the sc reen.
The discharge graph sh ows battery level o ver time since you las t
charged the device, an d how long you’ve bee n running on bat tery
optimize data usage Data usage refers to the amount of data upload ed or downloade d
by your device during a give n period. To monitor yo ur data usage,
go to Settings > Wireless & net works > Data usage.