Nexus 7 Guidebook ACCessibiLiTY 81
Swipe up then down using a sin gle motion. Transition to the
previous reading level wh en reading bloc ks of text, then sw ipe
right to read forward or lef t to go back.
Swipe right then left usi ng a single motion. Move to th e next
Swipe left then right usi ng a single motion. M ove to the previ-
ous page.
While you’re exploring wi th one nger, you can u se another nge r
to double-tap to open an a pp, widget, an d so on.
IIMPorTAnT: The way these gestures are interpre ted is
specic to TalkBack . Other ac cessibility services may use
the same gestures for diff erent actions
Shortcut gestures in TalkBack
note: These gestures wor k only when expl ore by Touch is turned
Talkback has shortcut ges tures to help you get to your Home
screen, go back, and m ore. To try these shortcuts , swipe using
a single motion:
Up then right. Open noti cations
Up then left. Home butto n
Down then right. Recent a pps button
Down then left. back but ton
You can modify your shortc ut gestures a nd the corresp onding ac -
tions in Talkback by going to Set tings > Accessi bility > TalkBack >
Settings > Manage shortcut gestures.