Nexus 7 Guidebook ACCessibiLiTY 90
(Android apps are one exc eption – they run only o n Android de-
vices.) sign in to to get your enterta inment from
Find your contentif you purchased from Goog le Play in the past, you’ll auto mati-
cally have access to this conte nt on your Nexus 7—jus t make sure
you’re signed in using the sa me account that you used to pur -
chase it.
You can get to your content using a ny of the Google Play ic ons in
your Favorites tray, includin g books, Magazi nes, Movies, an d Mu-
sic. (Note: To read mag azines in text mode, visit Read ing in text
mode at the end of this article.)
Or, nd the Pl ay Store i con and double-ta p to open Google Play.
in the top right corner, to the le ft of the Menu and searc h icons,
you’ll nd a My Librar y icon corresp onding to the sec tion of
Google Play you’re curren tly viewing. For examp le, while brows-
ing the Movi es & T V secti on, you’ ll nd the Goog le Play Movies
app icon, which will take yo u to My Movies & TV.
You can quickly access your c ontent this way, from the Googl e
Play store app, even if you ori ginally purcha sed it on Google Play
using a different phon e or tablet. if you get a n ew device, all you r
media will automaticall y be waiting for you her e when you power
on and sign in.
Google Play SettingsTo adjust your Google Play setti ngs, switch acc ounts, or get he lp,
choose the option you want fr om the Menu at the top r ight.