Nexus 7 Guidebook ACCessibiLiTY 93
Note that the content you’ll nd cove rs gene ral Gmail behavior,
but not accessibilit y features like Talkba ck and explo re by Touch.

related settings

To modify the font size for Gmail mes sages, go to More op-
tions > Settings > General Settings > Message Text Size.
Browse Chrome
These instructions as sume that you have tur ned on Talkback , ex-
plore by Touch, and enhance d Web Accessibili ty.
From a Home or Apps sc reen, nd the Chro me icon a nd dou-
ble-tap to open it.
Chrome opens to display you r homepage or th e most recent pag e
you were browsing.
The web address (uRL) of the c urrent page is l ocated at the top of
the screen in the address b ox (also called the omnibox).
To edit or input a web address, yo u can:
1. Swipe right to nd the omnibox a t the top of the screen, and
double-tap to edit.
2. S lide your  nger across the onscre en keyboard and release a
key to input text.
3. A s you type, a list of matc hing suggestion s appears. You can
keep on t yping or nd a s uggestion and double-ta p to open
the page.
4. To search for the conte nts of th e omnibox or open a speci c
web address it contains, nd a nd double-ta p the Go key on the
right side in the second ro w of the keyboard.