Nexus 7 Guidebook ACCessibiLiTY 95

More Chrome Help

To get more detailed Help while n avigating a webpage, wo rking
with tabs, and so on, go to the C hrome Help Cente r. Note that the
content you’ll nd does not cover accessibility features like Talk-
back and explore by Touch.
Use the lock screen

About the lock screen

Your tablet’s lock screen i s enabled if any of t he following occ urs:
The tablet goes to sleep (and i t locks automati cally).
The screen tu rns off after a specied timeout (d epending on
your display settings).
You force your screen to turn of f and the tablet to lock by
pressing the power butto n.

Unlock your tablet

1. Hold the scr een in portrai t mode and turn it o n by pressing the
Power button on the right si de of your tablet.
2. Touc h the lower center of th e screen.
3. S lide yo ur n ger al l the way across the screen to th e rig ht.
You’ll receive spoken feed back that the device is unl ocked if
you do this successfully.