Nexus 7 Guidebook TuNe PeRFoRMANCe 47
You rarely need to manage the way ap ps use RAM. but you can
monitor apps’ RAM usag e and stop them if the y misbehave.
Use the Apps screenThe Apps screen allows yo u to adjust several as-
pects of the way your device us es memory. To view
these settings, go to Settings > Devic e > Apps.
You’ll see three tabs at the top of th e screen, eac h displaying a li st
of apps or their compone nts:
• Downloaded. displays apps you’ve downlo aded on Google
Play or other sources.
• running. displays all apps, proce sses, and services t hat are
currently running or t hat have cached processes, and h ow
much RAM they are using .
The graph at the bottom of th e Running tab shows the total
RAM in use and the amount fr ee. At the top right o f the screen,
touch Show cached processes or Show running services to
switch back and forth.
• All. displays all apps that cam e with Android and a ll apps you
downloaded on Google Pl ay or other sources .
To switch the order of the lists disp layed in the Downloaded or All
tabs, touch Menu > Sort by name or Sort by size.
To view details about an app or oth er item listed under any ta b,
touch its name. The inform ation and controls available vary
among different typ es of apps, but com monly include :
• Force stop button. stops an app that is mis behaving. stop-
ping an app, process, or s ervice may ca use your device to s top
working correctly. You may ne ed to restart your device a fter
doing this.