Nexus 7 Guidebook CoNNeCT To NeTWoRks 56
The proxy setting s apply only to the Wi-F i network you modied.
To change the proxy settings fo r other Wi-Fi networks , modify
them individually.
Set Wi-Fi notications, di sconnect policy, & othe r advanced optionsTo work with advanced Wi-Fi s ettings:
1. Turn on Wi-Fi , if it’s not alread y on.
2. i n the Wi-Fi set tings screen, to uch Menu > Advanced.
These are the settings you c an adjust:
• Network notication. by defaul t, when Wi-Fi is on, you re-
ceive no tications in the S tatus bar when your dev ice de-
tects an open Wi-Fi net work. uncheck this o ption to turn off
• Keep Wi-Fi during sleep. To conserve mobile data usage, your
device stays connected to W i-Fi when the screen goes to
sleep. Touch this option to chan ge this defaul t behavior: e ither
to stay connected to Wi-F i only when the devic e is connected
to a charger (when batter y life isn’t a prob lem), or never to stay
connected to Wi-Fi du ring sleep.
This screen also display s the following info rmation:
• MAC address. The Media Access Control ( MAC) address of
your device when conne cted to a Wi-Fi ne twork.
• IP address. The internet Protocol (iP) ad dress assigned to t he
device by the Wi-Fi net work you are connec ted to (unless you
used the iP settings to assig n it a static iP addres s).