Nexus 7 Guidebook ACCessibiLiTY 94
To navigate within a webpage, you c an:
navigate forward and backward. swipe left to right to move
forward and right to lef t to go backward.
Scroll. Slide two ngers in any dire ction.
receive spoken feedback . Touch anywhere on the scre en to
hear the contents of the webp age.
Change the reading level. s wipe down then up usin g a single
motion to transition to the nex t reading level when reading
blocks of text, or swipe up t hen down using a sin gle motion to
go back to the previous readi ng level.
Zoom. To zoom out, touch the scree n with two nger s and
pinch them together. To zoom in, s pread them apart . Ascend-
ing and descending tones alert you when zooming in or out.
To customize web page zooming, g o to More options > Setting s
> Accessibility.
You can also browse in incognito m ode. To open an incog nito tab,
nd and double-tap More options > new Inc ognito tab. To toggle
between stand ard tabs and I ncognito tabs, n d and double-t ap
the Toggle tabs switcher, or nd and double -tap the Incognito
tabs (or non-Incognito tabs) button at the top right cor ner.
Adjust text size on webpages (for lo w-vision users)
1. Tou ch Menu > Settings > Accessibility.
2. d rag the slide r under to adjus t the text size sca ling. in the “Pr e-
view” box, you can see how it ’ll appear on we bpages.
Force enable zoom
on some sites designed for m obile devices, yo u can’t to zoom in
or out. Choosing “Force e nable zoom” wil l allow you to zoom in or
out on those sites.