Nexus 7 Guidebook MAke YouRseLF AT HoMe 19
The Google Play setting s screen lets you co ntrol when you’re n o-
tied about updates to apps and games, clear your search his tory,
and enable use r controls. To lter An droid apps based on matu-
rity level or require a PiN be fore completing a ny purchase, touch
Content ltering or Set or c hange PIn.

Google Play support

For more detailed inform ation about G oogle Play, inc luding phon e
and email support opt ions, visit
Manage downloads
To manage most downloads, touc h the downloads
icon on the All Apps scree n. Note that movies and
some other content can be d ownloaded to your t ab-
let but won’t show up in the do wnloads app.
unless you pin (download) c ontent such as books or movi es to
your tablet so you can acces s it offline, G oogle Play strea ms your
purchases and rentals fr om Google servers wh ile you’re playing
them – so they don’t occupy a ny permanent sto rage space.
in addition to downloadin g content from Google Play, you can
download les from Gmail messa ges or a var iety of oth er sourc-
es. use the downloads app to vi ew, reopen, or de lete what you’ve
downloaded in this way.
From the downloads app:
Touch an item to open it.
Touch headings for earlier d ownloads to view the m.
Check items you want to share. T hen touch the share
icon and choose a sharin g method from the li st.
Check items you want to delete . Then touch th e Trash icon.