Nexus 7 Guidebook MAke seARCH PeRsoN AL 34
To delete location history d etails, follow th ese steps from a desk -
top computer:
1. open a web br owser and make sure you’re si gned in with the
account whose locatio n history you want to m anage.
2. V isit
A page appears that allows yo u to view your location his tory
for any date.
3. To del ete all your recorded locatio n history, click Delete all
Alternatively, from this sc reen you can delete a portion of
your location history s tarting from a date you cho ose in the
4. Click oK.
Turn off Google’s location serv ice & GPS support
even when location repo rting and locat ion history are tur ned off,
Google periodicall y reports data for use by various a pps from
sources such as Wi-Fi , mobile networks, an d GPs to determine
your approximate locatio n at any given time.
To turn off these services fr om the Google Now scre en, touch
Menu > Settings > Privacy a nd accounts > Locat ion services and
uncheck both Google’s location service and GPS satellites. d oing
so will disable Google Now as we ll as many other usef ul features
of your tablet.
Search & Voice Actions basicsTo use Google search, touch the s earch bar at the top of any
Home screen or swipe up fro m the bottom of your ta blet.
You can use Voice Actions with Goo gle search to get dire ctions,
send messages, and per form a number of o ther common tas ks.