General Printing Difficulties | |
The FAX/MFC does not | Check the following: |
print. | • The FAX/MFC is plugged in. |
| • The toner cartridge and drum unit are installed |
| properly. |
| • The interface cable is securely connected |
| between the MFC and computer. |
| • Check to see if LCD is showing an error message. |
| (See page |
The MFC prints | Reset the MFC. Check the primary settings in your |
unexpectedely or it | application software to make sure it is set up to |
prints garbage. | work with your MFC. |
(For MFC 4600 Only) |
The MFC cannot print | The MFC received a very complex print job and |
full pages of a | could not process part of the page. This may be |
document; the error | solved in several ways. If you are using Windows® |
message PRINT | 3.1x, Windows® 95 or Windows NT® Workstation |
OVERRUN occurs. | Version 4.0 with the supplied printer driver, see the |
(For MFC 4600 only) | “Windows ® Setup Printing Problems” section. Try |
| to reduce the complexity of your document or |
| reduce print resolution. |
The MFC prints the | Your computer is not recognizing the printer's |
first couple of pages | input buffer full signal. Please make sure to |
correctly, then some | connect the printer cable correctly. |
pages have text missing. |
(For MFC 4600 only) |
The MFC cannot print | •Reduce the printer resolution. Reduce the |
full pages of a | complexity of your document and try again. |
document; A | Reduce the graphic quality or the number of font |
MEMORY FULL error | sizes within your application software. |
message occurs. |
(For MFC 4600 only) |
My headers or footers | Most laser printers have a restricted area that will |
appear when I view my | not accept print. Usually these are the first two |
document on the screen, | lines and last two lines, leaves 62 printable lines. |
but do not appear when I | Adjust the top and bottom margins in your |
print them. | document to allow for this. |
(For MFC 4600 only) |
11 - 11 T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G A N D R O U T I N E M A I N T E N A N C E