
Main Application Overview

You can perform drag and drop operations with expressions between the Main application work area and the currently displayed window. For example, you could drag an expression from the Main application work area to the Graph window, and graph the expression. For details, see “2-10 Using the Main Application in Combination with Other Applications”.

For details about how to use each type of window, see the chapter for the appropriate application.

Accessing the Main Application Window from Another ClassPad Application

Some ClassPad applications allow you to access the Main application window by tapping and then [Main]. In the Statistics application and some other applications, you can also

access the Main application window by tapping the ^button.

The following are examples of what you can do after opening the Main application window within another application.

Using the Main application window as a calculator to perform a simple calculation

Using drag and drop to copy expressions and values between windows

Example: To drag an expression from the Graph Editor window to the Main application work area

For full details about individual operations, see the chapters that cover each application.


You cannot access the Main application window from the Geometry, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Financial, Communication, or System application.

You can access the Geometry application from the Main application.