
Assigning Shift Mode Key Operations to Hard Keys

16-16 Assigning Shift Mode Key Operations to Hard Keys

You can configure your ClassPad so the 9key functions as a shift key, and assign shift mode key operations (such as character strings or function names, or operations) to the hard keys. Then you can access a hard key shift mode operation by pressing the 9key and then the hard key.

SClassPad Operation

(1)On the application menu, tap &.

• This starts up the System application.

(2)Tap [System] and then [Shift Keys] to display the Shift Key Assign dialog box.

(3)On the Shift Key Assign dialog box, select the “Set ( ) as shift key” check box.

(4)Tap the down arrow button then select the hard key to which you want to assign a shift mode character string.

(5)Input the character string or function name, or specify the operation you want to assign to the hard key.

• Use the soft keyboard to assign a character string or function name.