
Inserting Data into an eActivity

(3) Input the help text into the help window.

The operations you can perform while inputting help text are the same as those you use for eActivity notes. For more information, see “Example 3: To use Notes in an eActivity” on page 10-3-10.

(4)After inputting all the text you want, tap the Rbutton in upper right corner to close the help window.

The strip will now have a button.

STo delete help text from a strip

(1)Tap the title box of the strip whose help text you want to delete.

(2)Tap [Insert] - [Remove Strip Help].

• This will delete the help text and cause the button to disappear.

Moving Information Between eActivity and Applications

An eActivity is like an interactive notebook or textbook that allows you to explore the world of mathematics right on the page. You can take almost any expression from an eActivity page and send it to another application. You can also take information from an application and insert it into an eActivity page.

ICut, Copy, and Paste

You can cut, copy, or paste text or mathematical expressions between the eActivity and any other application. You can also cut, copy, and paste text and mathematical expressions inside an eActivity.

Depending on the application, you can cut or copy, and paste text and mathematical expression data into an eActivity. For example, you can copy a line in the Geometry measurement box and paste it into an eActivity as an expression.