
Graphing Paired-Variable Statistical Data

Drawing a Sinusoidal Regression Graph ( y = a·sin(b·x + c) + d)

Sinusoidal regression is best for data that repeats at a regular fixed interval over time.

SClassPad Operation

Start the graphing operation from the Statistics application’s Graph window or List window.

From the Graph window

Tap [Calc] [Sinusoidal Reg] [OK] [OK] .

From the List window

Tap [SetGraph][Setting...], or '.

On the Set StatGraphs dialog box that appears, configure a StatGraph setup with the setting shown below, and then tap [Set].

Type: SinR

Tap xto draw the graph.

The following is the sinusoidal regression model formula.y = a·sin(b·x + c) + d


MSe = n 2 i=1 (yi – (a·sin (b·xi + c) + d ))2


Make sure that “Radian” is selected for the [Angle] setting on the Basic Format dialog box (page 1-9-4) before drawing a sinusoidal regression graph. The graph cannot be drawn correctly when the [Angle] setting is “Degree”.

Certain types of data may cause calculation to take a long time. This is normal and does not indicate malfunction.