Print "y1(x) =


Program Command Reference

IOutputAbout the Program Output window

The “Program Output window” shows text displayed by program execution. The term “Program Output window” does not include dialog boxes displayed by Message and other commands.

Only one Program Output window can be stored at a time. Executing the ClrText command or using Program Loader to execute a text file clears the currently stored Program Output window.

• The Program Output window can be displayed by tapping and then [Program Output], or by tapping ?on the Program Loader window. The Program Output window also appears whenever the DispText command is executed in a program.

ClrTextSyntax: ClrTextFunction: This command clears text from the Program Output window.DispTextSyntax: DispTextFunction: This command displays the Program Output window.

Description: You can use this command to re-display the Program Output window following display of the Graph window, Table window, or other window.

Example: To re-display the Program Output window after it has been cleared by a graphing operation or some other operation

GraphType "y="
Define y1(x) =(x)
GTSelOn 1ViewWindow –7.7, 7.7, 1, –3.8, 3.8, 10 2 FStart10 2 FEnd1 2 FStep

ClrText κ Initializes the Program Output window.

(x)" κ Displays the graph expression on the Program Output window.

Print "Tap Continue button." κ Tells user what to do to continue program execution after reading the message.

Pause κ Pauses program execution to allow user to read Program Output window message. DrawGraph κ Draws the graph.

DispFTable κ Displays the table.

Pause κ Pauses program execution to allow for graph and table editing. Program Output window is not displayed at this time.

DispText κ Re-displays the Program Output window.

Pause κ Pauses program execution to allow user to read Program Output window message.