
Editing Cell Contents

Searching for Data in a Spreadsheet

The Search command helps you locate specific data in a spreadsheet quickly and easily.

ISearch Dialog Box

The Search command can be executed either by tapping [Search] on the [Edit] menu or by tapping the dbutton on the toolbar. Executing the Search command displays a search dialog box like the one shown below, along with a soft keyboard.

The following explains the meaning of each item on the search dialog box.















Enter the character string, value, or expression you want to search



for. What you enter is called the “search string”.












Specifies the range of cells to be searched.









Search by


Specifies whether the search should be line-by-line or column-by-














Look in


Specifies whether values or formulas should be searched.







:hMatch Case


Select this check box to find exact matches, including uppercase



and lowercase characters, of what is specified in the [Search] box.



Clear the checkbox to search for matches, regardless of case.







:hMatch Entire Cell


Select this check box to find cells that contain only what is



specified in the [Search] box, and nothing else. Clear the check



box to find cells that contain what is specified in the [Search] box,



even if it is mixed with other data.





The following table shows a number of examples of what happens



for each of the [Match Entire Cell] settings when “bcd” is specified



in the [Search] box. “ ” indicates that the cell is a match, while “ ”



is not a match.














Cell ContentsNot Selected



















