

I2-Sample F Test2-Sample F Test

Menu: [Test]-[Two-Sample FTest]

Description: This command tests hypotheses concerning the ratio of the population variance of two populations. A 2-Sample F Test uses F distribution.

F = sx12


Definition of Terms

σ1 condition: population standard deviation test conditions (“ξ” specifies two- tail test, “<” specifies one-tail test where sample 1 is smaller than sample 2, “>” specifies one-tail test where sample 1 is greater than sample 2.)

List(1) : list where sample 1 data is located

List(2) : list where sample 2 data is located

Freq(1) : frequency of sample 1 (1 or list name)

Freq(2) : frequency of sample 2 (1 or list name)

sx1 :sample standard deviation of sample 1 (sx1 > 0)

n1 :size of sample 1 (positive integer)

sx2 :sample standard deviation of sample 2 (sx2 > 0)

n2 :size of sample 2 (positive integer)

Calculation Result Output

σ1 ξ σ2 :

F : p :

M1 :

M2 :

sx1 : sx2 :

n1 : n2 :


test condition

Fvalue p-value

sample mean of sample 1 data (Displayed only for list format.) sample mean of sample 2 data (Displayed only for list format.) sample standard deviation of sample 1

sample standard deviation of sample 2 size of sample 1

size of sample 2

list1 : { 7, −4, 18, 17, −3, −5, 1, 10, 11, −2, −3 }

list2 : { −1, 12, −1, −3, −3, 3, −5, 5, 2, −11, −1, −3 }

Statistics Wizard Operation

(1)Input the data into [list1] and [list2] in the Stat Editor.

(2)On the menu bar, tap [Calc] and then [Test].

(3)Select [Two-Sample FTest] and [List], and then tap [Next >>].

(4)Select the σ1 condition [ξ].

(5)Select List(1) [list1], List(2) [list2], Freq(1) [1] and Freq(2) [1].

(6)Tap [Next >>].

(7)To display the graph, tap .