
Using the Action Menu


Function: Returns the cumulative probability of a Student-tdistribution between a lower bound and an upper bound.

Syntax: tCDf(lower value, upper value, df [ ) ]

Example: To determine the Student-tdistribution probability when lower value = 1.5, upper value = δ, df = 18

Menu Item: [Action][Distribution][tCDf]

For more information, see “Student-tCumulative Distribution” on page 7-11-7.


Function: Returns the lower bound value of a Student-tcumulative distribution probability for specified values.

Syntax: invTCDf(prob, df [ ) ]

Example: To determine the lower bound value when prob = 0.0754752, df = 18

Menu Item: [Action][Inv. Distribution][invTCDf]

For more information, see “Inverse Student-tCumulative Distribution” on page 7-11-8.


Function: Returns the Χ2 probability density for specified values.

Syntax: chiPDf(x, df [ ) ]

Example: To determine the Χ2 probability density when x = 2, df = 4

Menu Item: [Action][Distribution][chiPDf]

For more information, see “χ2 Probability Density” on page 7-11-9.


Function: Returns the cumulative probability of a Χ2 distribution between a lower bound and an upper bound.

Syntax: chiCDf(lower value, upper value, df [ ) ]

Example: To determine the Χ2 probability when lower value = 2.7, upper value = δ, df =4

Menu Item: [Action][Distribution][chiCDf]

For more information, see “Χ2 Cumulative Distribution” on page 7-11-10.


Function: Returns the lower bound value of a Χ2 cumulative distribution probability for specified values.

Syntax: invChiCDf(prob, df [ ) ]

Example: To determine the lower bound value when prob = 0.6092146, df = 4