
Using the Action Menu


Function: Returns the cumulative probability of a normal distribution between a lower bound and an upper bound.

Syntax: normCDf(lower value, upper value[,Σ , Μ)]

• When Σ and Μ are skipped, Σ = 1 and Μ = 0 are used.

Example: To determine the normal probability density when lower bound value = −δ, upper bound value = 36, Σ = 2, Μ = 35

Menu Item: [Action][Distribution][normCDf]

For more information, see “Normal Cumulative Distribution” on page 7-11-4.


Function: Returns the boundary value(s) of a normal cumulative distribution probability for specified values.

Syntax: invNormCDf([tail setting, ]area value[,Σ , Μ)]

When Σ and Μ are skipped, Σ = 1 and Μ = 0 are used.

“tail setting” displays the probability value tail specification, and Left, Right, or Center can be specified. Enter the following values or letters to specify:


−1, “L”, or “l”


0, “C”, or “c”


1, “R”, or “r”

When input is skipped, “Left” is used.

When one argument is omitted (resulting in three arguments), Tail=Left.

When two arguments are omitted (resulting in two arguments), Tail=Left, ΜΜ=0.

• When three arguments are omitted (resulting in one argument), Tail=Left, Σ =1, ΜΜ=0.

• When “tail setting” is Center, the lower bound value is returned.

Example: To determine the upper bound value when tail setting = Left, area value = 0.7,

Σ= 2, Μ = 35

Menu Item: [Action][Inv. Distribution][invNormCDf]

For more information, see “Inverse Normal Cumulative Distribution” on page 7-11-5.


Function: Returns the Student-tprobability density for a specified value.

Syntax: tPDf(x, df [ ) ]

Example: To determine the Student-tprobability density when x = 2, df = 5

Menu Item: [Action][Distribution][tPDf]

For more information, see “Student-tProbability Density” on page 7-11-6.