
Using the Action Menu

normPDf({1, 2},{1, 2}, 0) = {0.24, 0.12}

normPDf({1, 2},{1, 2},{1, 0}) = {0.40, 0.12}

The following explains how to specify list data in arguments and how calculation results are output.

(a) Specifying list data for a single argument

Basically, you can specify any list you like, but the each of the elements in the list must be in accordance with the conditions required by the argument of the function being used.

Calculation is performed on each element within the list and results are output as shown below.

normPDf(x, {σ1, σ2}, μ)

= {<normPDf(x, σ1, μ) calculation result>, <normPDf(x, σ2, μ) calculation result>}

(b) Specifying list data for multiple arguments

In this case, all of the lists must have the same number of elements. Otherwise an Invalid Dimension error will occur.

Calculation is performed on each element within the list and results are output as shown below.

normPDf({x1, x2}, {σ1, σ2}, μ)

= {<normPDf(x1, σ1, μ) calculation results>, <normPDf(x2, σ2, μ) calculation results>}

Assignment of List Data Calculation Results to Variables

Using the list data in the argument of the Distribution function causes calculation results to be output as list data, which is assigned as-is to the “ans” variable.

In addition to the “ans” variable, calculations that use the Distribution function causes calculation results also to be assigned to certain system variables. For example, the normal probability density variable returned by normPDf is assigned to system variable prob. Only the last element of the list data will be assigned to a system variable as a calculation result. For information about which calculation result is assigned to which variable, see the “Calculation Result Output” item for each command in “7-11 Distributions” (pages 7-11-3 to 7-11-25).


Function: Returns the normal probability density for a specified value.

Syntax: normPDf(x[,Σ , Μ)]

• When Σ and Μ are skipped, Σ = 1 and Μ = 0 are used.

Example: To determine the normal probability density when x = 37.5, Σ = 2, Μ = 35

Menu Item: [Action][Distribution][normPDf]

For more information, see “Normal Probability Density” on page 7-11-3.