
Configuring Application Format Settings

IGraph Format Dialog Box

Use the Graph Format dialog box to configure settings for the Graph window and for drawing graphs.

Basic TabSAxes

To do this:

Select this setting:



Turn on display of Graph window axes




Turn on display of Graph window axes along with maximum


and minimum value of each axis




Turn off display of Graph window axes




SOther settings

To do this:

Do this:



Turn on display of Graph window grid

Select the [Grid Points] check box.



Turn off display of Graph window grid

Clear the [Grid Points] check box.*



Turn on display of Graph window axis labels

Select the [Labels] check box.



Turn off display of Graph window axis labels

Clear the [Labels] check box.*



Turn on display of graph controller arrows during

Select the [G-Controller] check box.





Turn off display of graph controller arrows during

Clear the [G-Controller] check box.*





Draw graphs with plotted points

Select the [Draw Plot] check box.



Draw graphs with solid lines

Clear the [Draw Plot] check box.*



Turn on display of function name and function

Select the [Graph Function] check box.*



Turn off display of function name and function

Clear the [Graph Function] check box.