

SProgram, eActivity or Main Application

Command: TCD :

Command Syntax

Lower value, Upper value, df value

Input Example:

TCD 1.5,δ,18

Inverse Student-tCumulative Distribution

Menu: [Inv. Distribution]-[Inverse T CD]

Description: This command calculates the inverse of the t cumulative distribution.

This command returns the lower bound of integration value α that satisfies the equation above.

Definition of Terms

prob : t cumulative probability (p, 0 p 1)

df : degrees of freedom (df > 0)

Calculation Result Output

xInv : inverse t cumulative distribution


Probability : 0.0754752

Degrees of freedom : 18

Statistics Wizard Operation

(1)On the menu bar, tap [Calc] and then [Distribution].

(2)Select [Inverse T CD] and then tap [Next >>].

(3)Input values.

(4)Tap [Next >>].

SProgram, eActivity or Main Application

Command: InvTCD:

Command Syntax

prob value, df value

Input Example:

InvTCD 0.0754752,18