
Program Command Reference


Syntax: StrJoin:"<string 1>", "<string 2>", <storage variable name>

Function: Joins "<string 1>" and "<string 2>" and then assigns the resulting string to the specified variable.


Syntax: StrLeft:"<string>", n, <storage variable name>

Function: Copies a string up to the nth character from the left, and assigns the resulting string to the specified variable.


Syntax: StrLen:"<string>", <storage variable name>

Function: Determines the length of a string (the number of its characters) and assigns the resulting value to the specified variable.


Syntax: StrLwr:"<string>", <storage variable name>

Function: Converts all the characters of a string to lower case and assigns the resulting string to the specified variable.


Syntax: StrMid:"<string>", n, <storage variable name> [,<number of characters>]

Function: Copies a specific number of characters of a string, starting from the nth character, and assigns the resulting string to the specified variable.

Description: Omitting the number of characters causes the string to be copied up to the end.


Syntax: StrRight:"<string>", n, <storage variable name>

Function: Copies a string up to the nth character from the right, and assigns the resulting string to the specified variable.