
Program Command Reference

ClrGraphSyntax: ClrGraph

Function: Clears the Graph window and returns View Window parameters to their initial default settings.

ClsSyntax: Cls

Function: Clears sketch elements (lines and other figures sketched on the Graph window), and graphs drawn using drag and drop.

DispFTableSyntax: DispFTableFunction: Creates and displays a function table.DispSmryTblSyntax: DispSmryTblFunction: Creates and displays a summary table.Distance

Syntax: Distance:<x-coordinate 1>, <y-coordinate 1>, <x-coordinate 2>, <y-coordinate 2>

Function: Determines the distance between two points.

Description: Executing this command makes the Graph window active, displays pointers at the locations of coordinates 1 and 2, and displays the distance between the pointers.


• An error occur if <x-coordinate> or <y-coordinate> is outside of the current Graph window.

DrawFTGCon, DrawFTGPlotSyntax: DrawFTGConDrawFTGPlot

Function: Graphs a function using a generated number table, in accordance with the conditions of each command.

Description: FTG stands for “Function Table Graph”. DrawFTGCon draws a connect type graph, while DrawFTGPlot draws a plot type graph.