
Using the eActivity


An eActivity is both a documentation tool, and a student

notebook. As a documentation tool, a teacher can create10 electronic examples and practice problems with accompanying

text, mathematical expressions, 2D and 3D graphs, geometric drawings, and tables. eActivities provide the student the means to explore problems, document their learning and problem solving by entering notes, and share their learning by saving their work to a file.

10-1 eActivity Application Overview10-2 Creating an eActivity

10-3 Inserting Data into an eActivity 10-4 Working with eActivity Files 10-5 Transferring eActivity Files

eActivity Data Download Center

A variety of eActivity files are available for download at the CASIO Website. Visit the URL below for more information.

After you download an eActivity file, you will need to use FA-CP1 software to transfer it from your computer to your ClassPad. See the instructions provided at the CASIO Website for more information.