
Analyzing a Function Used to Draw a Graph

STo determine coordinates at a particular point on a graph

Example: To graph the function y = x (x + 2)(x – 2) and determine the y-coordinate when x = 0.5, and the x-coordinate when y = 2.2

(1)Display the View Window dialog box, and then configure it with the following parameters.

xmin = –7.7,

xmax = 7.7,

xscale = 1

ymin = –3.8,

ymax = 3.8,

yscale = 1

(2)On the Graph Editor window, input and store y = x (x + 2)(x – 2) into line y1, and then tap to graph it.

Make sure that only y1 is checked.

(3)To obtain the value of y for a particular x-value, tap [Analysis], [G-Solve], and then [ y-Cal ].

This displays a dialog box for specifying the x-value.(4)For this example, input 0.5 and then tap [OK].

This moves the pointer to the location on the graph where x = 0.5, and displays the x-coordinate and y-coordinate at that location.

(5)To obtain the value of x for a particular y-value, tap [Analysis], [G-Solve], and then [x-Cal].

This displays a dialog box for specifying the y-value.(6)For this example, input 2.2 and then tap [OK].

This moves the pointer to the location on the graph where y = 2.2, and displays the x-coordinate and y-coordinate at that location.

Result Screenshots


When there are multiple results for the above procedure, press C to calculate the next value. Pressing B returns to the previous value.