
Using the Action Menu


Function: Returns the cumulative sums of the elements in a list.

Syntax: cuml (List [ ) ]

Example: To determine the cumulative sums of the elements in the list {1, 2, 3}

Menu Item: [Action][List-Calculation][cuml]


Function: Returns a list whose elements are the differences between two adjacent elements in another list.

Syntax: list (List [ ) ]

Example: To generate a list whose elements are the differences between two adjacent elements in the list {1, 2, 4}

Menu Item: [Action][List-Calculation][ list]


Function: Returns the percentage of each element in a list, the sum of which is assumed to be 100.

Syntax: percent (List [ ) ]

Example: To determine the percentage of each element in the list {1, 2, 3}

Menu Item: [Action][List-Calculation][percent]


Function: Returns a polynomial arranged in the descending order of powers, so coefficients correspond sequentially to each element in the input list.

Syntax: polyEval (List [,Exp/List] [ ) ]

Example: To create a second degree polynomial with the coefficients {1, 2, 3}

Menu Item: [Action][List-Calculation][polyEval]

• “x” is the default when you omit “[,Exp/List]”.