
Test, Confidence Interval, and Distribution Calculations

IExample 1: 1-Sample ZTest

μcondition : ξ

μ0 : 0

σ: 3

M: 24.5 n : 48

SClassPad Operation


(2)Tap /.

(3)On the New File dialog box that appears, configure the settings as described below.

Type: Program(Normal)

Folder: Select the name of the folder where you want to save the program you are creating.

Name: Enter a file name for the program. Example: ztestone

(4)Tap [OK].

(5)Input commands and values for the statistical expression, and then tap U.

(6)Input the “DispStat” command, and then tap U.

(7)Tap [to save the program.

(8)Tap .

(9)On the dialog box that appears, tap the [Name] down arrow button, and then tap the name of the file you input in step (3).

(10)Tap P.