7-9-8 Tests

It Test1-Sample t Test

Menu: [Test]-[One-Sample TTest]

Description: Tests a hypothesis relative to a population mean when population standard deviation is unknown. A 1-Sample t Test is used for t distribution.

t = M — 0 sx


M: sample mean

μ0 : assumed population mean

sx : sample standard deviation

n: sample size

Definition of Terms

μcondition : population mean value test conditions (“ξ” specifies two-tail test, “<” specifies lower one-tail test, “>” specifies upper one-tail test.)

μ0 :

assumed population mean

List :

data list

Freq :

frequency (1 or list name)

M :

sample mean

sx :

sample standard deviation (sx > 0)

n :

sample size (positive integer)

Calculation Result Output

μξ 11.3 : test condition

t :

t value

p :


M :

sample mean

sx :

sample standard deviation

n :

sample size

Example 1 (calculation with list)

List : { 330, 240, 260, 390, 400, 360, 200, 180, 300 }

Assumed population mean : 250

Statistics Wizard Operation

(1)Input the data into [list1] in the Stat Editor.

(2)On the menu bar, tap [Calc] and then [Test].

(3)Select [One-Sample TTest] and [List], and then tap [Next >>].

(4)Select the μ condition [ξ] and input μ0 250.

(5)Select List [list1] and Freq [1].

(6)Tap [Next >>].