


list1 : { 7, 4, 6, 6, 5 }

list2 : { 6, 5, 5, 8, 7 }

list3 : { 4, 7, 6, 7, 6 }

Statistics Wizard Operation

(1)Input the data into [list1], [list2] and [list3] in the Stat Editor.

(2)On the menu bar, tap [Calc] and then [Test].

(3)Select [One-Way ANOVA] and then tap [Next >>].

(4)Select Lists [list1], [list2] and [list3].

(5)Tap [Next >>].

(6)To display the graph, tap .

SProgram, eActivity or Main Application

Command: OneWayANOVA :

Command Syntax

FactorList(A), DependentList

Input Example


list2:{7,4,6,6,5,6,5,5,8,7,4,7,6,7,6} OneWayANOVA list1,list2


Menu: [Test]-[Two-Way ANOVA ]

Description: This command tests the hypothesis that the population means of multiple populations are equal. It examines the effect of each variable independently as well as their interaction with each other based on a dependent variable.

Definition of Terms

FactorList(A) : list where levels of Factor A are located

FactorList(B) : list where levels of Factor B are located

DependentList : list where sample data is located

Calculation Result Output

A df :

df of Factor A

A MS :

MS of Factor A

A SS :

SS of Factor A

A F :

F value of Factor A

A p :

p-value of Factor A

B df :

df of Factor B

B MS : MS of Factor B

B SS :

SS of Factor B

B F :

F value of Factor B

B p :

p-value of Factor B