
Function Calculations

S“RandSeed” Command

You can specify an integer from 0 to 9 for the argument of this command. 0 specifies non- sequential random number generation. An integer from 1 to 9 uses the specified value as a seed for specification of sequential random numbers. The initial default argument for this command is 0.

The numbers generated by the ClassPad immediately after you specify sequential random number generation always follow the same random pattern.


Use this keyboard:



















Generate sequential random





[RandSeed] 3 U
numbers using 3 as the






seed value.












Generate the first value.





[rand] U

Generate the second value.





[rand] U

Generate the third value.





[rand] U








Random values generated by these commands are pseudo random values.

The arguments a and b of “rand(a,b)” and “randList(n,a,b)” must be integers, subject to the following conditions.

a < b

∝∝a∝∝, ∝∝ b∝∝< 1E10 b – a < 1E10

IInteger FunctionsThese functions take integers only as their arguments and return integers.S“iGcd” Function

Syntax: iGcd(Exp-1, Exp-2[, Exp-3…Exp-10)] (Exp-1 through Exp-10 all are integers.) iGcd(List-1, List-2[, List-3…List-10)]

(All elements of List-1 through List-10 are integers.)


The first syntax above returns the greatest common divisor for two to ten integers.

The second syntax returns, in list format, the greatest common divisor (GCD) for each of the elements in two to ten lists. When the arguments are {a,b}, {c,d}, for example, a list will be returned showing the GCD for a and c, and for b and d.


All of the lists must have the same number of elements.

When using the “iGcd(List-1, List-2[, List-3…List-10)]” syntax, one (and only one) expression (Exp) can be include as an argument in place of a list.