

AB df :

df of Factor A σ Factor B

AB MS : MS of Factor A σ Factor B


SS of Factor A σ Factor B

AB F :

F value of Factor A σ Factor B

AB p :

p-value of Factor A σ Factor B


Note that “AB df ”, “AB MS”, “AB SS”, “AB F”, and “AB p” are not


displayed if there are no repeated data pairs.

Errdf :

df of error

ErrMS :

MS of error

ErrSS :

SS of error

df :

degrees of freedom

SS :

sum of squares

MS :

mean square



Factor B1

Factor B2

Factor A1

14.5, 11, 10.8, 14.3,

10 (list1)

16.5, 18.4, 12.7, 14, 12.8 (list2)

Factor A2

21, 18.5, 15.2, 17.9,

21.6 (list3)

43.2, 35.2, 28.7, 41.3, 47.1 (list4)

Statistics Wizard Operation

(1)Input the data into [list1] through [list4] in the Stat Editor.

(2)On the menu bar, tap [Calc] and then [Test].

(3)Select [Two-Way ANOVA] and then tap [Next >>].

(4)Select Data Table type [2x2].

(5)Select Data Table lists [list1] through [list4].

(6)Tap [Next >>].

SProgram, eActivity or Main Application

Command: TwoWayANOVA :

Command Syntax

FactorList(A), FactorList(B), DependentList

Input Example


list2:{1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2} list3:{14.5,11,10.8,14.3,10,16.5,18.4,12.7,14,12.8, 21,18.5,15.2,17.9,21.6,43.2, 35.2,28.7,41.3,47.1}

TwoWayANOVA list1,list2,list3